Terms and conditions


1.1 The consumer agrees and undertakes to pay when due any amount owed to The YMCA of Québec – International Language School (hereafter the “YMCA Language School”) under this contract.

1.2 The consumer agrees to fulfill their payment obligations as indicated in the “Payment Terms and Conditions” section of this contract.

1.3 Penalties for declined payments: cheques that are returned or credit card payments that are declined for whatever reason are subject to the payment of the costs incurred by the YMCA Language School.

(A service contract involving sequential performance for instruction, training or assistance)

The consumer may cancel this contract without charge or penalty before the YMCA Language School has begun the performance of their principal obligation, by submitting the attached form or another written notice to that effect to the YMCA Language School.

If the consumer cancels this contract after the YMCA Language School has begun the performance of their principal obligation, the consumer must pay only:

a. the price of the services rendered, computed on the basis of the rate stipulated in the contract; and
b. the less of the following 2 sums: $50, or a sum representing not more than 10% of the price of the services that were not rendered. ​

You must fill in a cancellation request form for your cancellation to be processed. Click here to fill in the cancellation form. The contract is cancelled immediately at the time that the form or notice is sent.

Within ten days following the cancellation of the contract, the YMCA Language School agrees to return to the consumer the sum of money that they owe them. lt is in the consumer’s interest to refer to sections 190 to 196 of the Consumer Protection Act (chapter P-40.1) and, if necessary, to contact the Office de la protection du consommateur.

1.4 Postponing until a later session:
1.4.1 If the course is postponed before the beginning of the session (excluding the 1st day), there is no penalty.
1.4.2 If the course is postponed after the beginning of the session (including the 1st day), the classes already taken must be paid for; the amount remaining will be saved in the customer’s account for one year.
1.4.3 The consumer must register for the entire new session, paying the difference between the amount remaining from the old course and the total cost of the new course.

1.5 Group courses on holidays:
Daytime group courses are cancelled on holidays. However, the content of any cancelled class is made up in other classes in the session to ensure the entire program content is covered. Evening group courses are postponed according to the proposed schedule.


2.1 The YMCAs of Québec agrees to properly maintain its facilities and equipment to ensure a safe environment for everyone. This may result in temporary interruptions in service or access to specific areas. Fees will not be adjusted as a result of maintenance, repair or renovation work carried out by the YMCAs of Québec.


3.1 The YMCA Language School is not responsible for the destruction or damage of the property of the consumer or of property in the possession of the consumer, or for the loss or theft of this property, except where the destruction, damage, loss or theft of this property is a result of the personal actions of the YMCA Language School or one of its representatives.


4.1 The YMCA Language School is committed to protecting the consumer’s personal information by adhering to the following responsible information handling practices. The YMCA collects personal information about the consumer (including, but not limited to first and last name, gender, mailing address, email address and age) required to effectively manage the requested services.
4.2 Among other things, the YMCA Language School collects personal data for statistical purposes to better meet the consumer’s service needs and to ensure a safe environment for any person using the facilities as well as to inform the consumer about the YMCA Language School program in which they are registered, to complete payment transactions and/or to satisfy regulatory obligations.
4.3 Only authorized employees have access to the consumer’s personal information. This information is stored in the YMCA’s secure computer system.
4.4 Subject to legal restriction, the consumer has the right to access their file and update their personal information by sending a written request to the YMCA Language School.
4.5 Except as permitted by law, no personal information will be released to unrelated third parties without the consumer’s prior written consent of the consumer.
4.6 The consumer consents to provide their email address to the YMCA Language School as a means for communication between parties. This consent authorizes the YMCA Language School to use the consumer’s email address to send them any information about the services they have requested, to inform them about other YMCA Language School programs, services and opportunities that may interest as well as to obtain their opinion on the quality of services provided by the YMCA Language School.
4.7 Should the consumer no longer wish to be contacted by email, they must send a request to the YMCA Language School.
4.8 With regard to how personal information collected on the YMCA website and social media is stored, used and disclosed, please consult the YMCA’s privacy policy.


5.1 The consumer agrees to pay the YMCA Language School any applicable provincial or federal sales taxes at the time of the payment.


6.1 The consumer acknowledges that the rights conferred to them under this contract cannot be assigned or transferred.
6.2 The consumer agrees to comply with the rules of the YMCA Language School, which are in this contract and are an integral part of it.
6.3 The consumer acknowledges and declares that they have read and understood these rules prior to signing this contract.